4 Ways Educators Can Lean into Student-Led Learning Olivia JonesMay 19, 2021 1. Create an Inclusive Learning Space Student-led learning is, at its core, about prioritizing students’ needs and valuing their ability to learn independently. It is an inherently inclusive approach to education, because it respects each child’s unique learning needs and interests. It also frees up time for educators to give extra help to students who need it, while allowing advanced or independent learners to continue with light supervision. You can engage in student-led learning by making the physical and emotional classroom environments safe and inclusive. This could mean making a space feel “cozy” with features like bean bags or class pets. More broadly, it could mean encouraging kindness, keeping the classroom mood positive and fun, or incorporating music into your lessons. The goal is to foster an environment that gives students a feeling of safety, so that they can feel comfortable working independently. 2. Allow Student Choice Another great way to engage with student-led learning is to give students choices whenever possible. The feeling of agency, no matter how small, can boost the classroom mood and make kids more excited to learn. You could do this by giving students time to study something they find interesting, or by allowing students to learn the same material in different ways depending on their learning style.Choice boards are a great example of this. Students respond well to the opportunity to choose and explore independently. Cathy Truesdale, a music teacher from Fort Myers, told us how she uses the Musical Splats lesson plan from Unruly Splats as a framework, but then allows her students to pick their own music as they code. 3. Encourage Student Problem-Solving One of the most valuable components of student-led learning is the way that it empowers students to build their problem-solving and analytical skills. Because students have more freedom and control over their projects, they are more bought-in and invested in their learning . When students are more invested in the outcome, they may dig deeper and have more motivation to overcome missteps or failures.. One way to do this is to create assignments where the lesson is in the process, rather than the end result. Michael Fricano II, a K-6 Technology Integration Specialist and Computer Science Teacher, uses Splats technology to help his students learn problem-solving skills with coding. Give your students opportunities to cultivate resilience in their learning process, and encourage them to continue trying, even when they aren’t sure how to push ahead. Our coding game Bug Out, for example, helps students learn to code while developing problem-solving skills as they work to find the bug in the provided code. 4. Make Time for Reflection Reflection is a key part of the learning process. It’s especially important in student-led learning, because each student may create something that is totally different. The wonderful part about that is it creates an opportunity for students to share their own experience and learn from each other.Incorporating reflection into your teaching encourages deep learning, self-discipline, and self-awareness. When framed as a way to learn about ourselves and acknowledge our progress, reflection activities can boost confidence and encourage a growth mindset. You can incorporate reflection into lessons by making it a required component of large projects or activities, like having students write a reflection paragraph after they turn in an essay. You can also provide students with prompt questions and pair them off to discuss their progress with a peer. Check out our webinar with Tech Specialist Ashley Fort where she shares her resources on reflection and self-evaluation. ‍ With these tips, you’re ready to experiment with student-led learning to encourage your students to be independent, thoughtful learners! https://www.unrulysplats.com/blog/four-ways-educators-can-lean-into-student-led-learning#:~:text=%E2%80%8DStudent%2Dled%20learning%20is%20an,or%20traditional%20lecture%2Dstyle%20education.